Les bienfaits des jeux abstraits sur le développement cognitif

The benefits of abstract games on cognitive development

Jan 29, 2025Tom Delahaye

Explore how abstract games stimulate logical thinking, and memory.

Ah, abstract games. Just the word “abstract” makes some people break out in a cold sweat. We immediately imagine complex equations, endless strategies, and brains that heat up like old coffee pots. But rest assured, abstract games are not mental torture reserved for math enthusiasts or seasoned strategists. In fact, they are like a gym for your brain, but without a 50 euro per month subscription. So, put your prejudices aside, we explain why these games can become your best allies to boost your mind.

1. Problem solving: Say goodbye to the cluttered mind

You know those moments when you try to figure out why the fridge door won't close? That's where logical thinking comes in. Abstract games teach you to observe, analyze, and find solutions to seemingly complex situations. The method itself is quite simple, if we were to think of the game as a movie, the goal of the exercise would be to imagine, based on each new move, what the rest of the scenario could be. I move this piece here, what will my opponent do? Then what can I do in return, and so on. Practicing this type of practice will eventually benefit you in other areas of your daily life, such as easily figuring out how to reorganize the trunk of the car when you next go on vacation. Or optimizing the order of your tasks and schedule. Thanks, abstract games!

3. Memory: boost your neurons without sudoku

Memory is like a muscle: if you don't use it, it atrophies. Abstract games also force you to remember previous moves, strategies that worked (and those that didn't). You become an ace at neural connections, all while having fun. And let's face it, a better memory also helps in a lot of situations: remembering where you parked the car or not forgetting that tomorrow the appointments you've now ordered to perfection.

4. But… what if I suck?

This is where the magic happens: abstract games don't require an IQ of 150 or the ability to solve a Rubik's Cube in 10 seconds. They are made for everyone, and the learning curve adapts to your level. There is no specific pace to follow. It is once again very simple, it is by playing that you will evolve in your style and in your own way. You will lose a few games, of course, but each defeat will be a lesson in taking. The challenge is to entertain yourself at the same time as strengthening your neurons.

And then, tell yourself that no one has won a game of their first abstract game without scratching their head a little. It's a normal stage. But once you understand the basics, you will quickly become addicted. Your next problem to solve will be to try in turn to convince your best allies to take the first step towards these new abstract universes.

5. Neutral ground for all

No luck, no favoritism. Abstract games put everyone on an equal footing. No matter your experience or natural talent: victory always goes to the one who uses his brain optimally. No luck in drawing or capricious dice rolls. Just you, your mind, and a good dose of reflection.

So, are you ready to give abstract games a try? Forget the prejudices: they are neither boring nor reserved for the elite. They are adventures for your brain, opportunities to laugh, to think and to share a good time with your loved ones. The best part? You don't even need to know what an algorithm is to enjoy them.

So, it's your turn!

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